Kubernetes Cluster Setup

We will setup a Kubernetes cluster in Google Cloud. For this, you will require:

  1. Google Cloud account
  2. kubectl
  3. Helm 2
  4. gcloud
  • Ensure gcloud is configured and able to access your Google Cloud account. This can be verified using
gcloud projects lists
  • Ensure you have helm2 symlink pointing to the Helm v2.x binary. The setup script uses helm2 to invoke Helm v2.

NOTE: Setting up a cluster in Google cloud may incur cost. Refer to setup.sh on the resources created.

Create Cluster

export STUDENTPROJECTNAME="Google-Cloud-Project-Name"

The cluster creation script setup.sh will generate a script destroy.sh that can be used to delete the resources created on Google cloud

The setup.sh will

  1. Create a Kubernetes cluster on Google cloud using gcloud
  2. Allocate a static IP address for Ingress
  3. Deploy vulnerable apps and config
  4. Generate kubeconfig file in current directory
  5. Generate destroy.sh script to destroy [1] and [2]

Expose Vulnerable Apps

sudo kubectl port-forward -n kube-system svc/nginx-ingress-controller 80:80

The default ingress app-ingress/app-ingress.yml uses host names that resolves to The above command will forward port 80 on localhost to the Nginx Ingress service running inside the cluster.

Destroy Cluster
