Importing virtual machines

The students need to import two virtual machines for docker labs

  1. docker-student.ova
  2. docker-ctf.ova

NOTE: In case of VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR (0x80BB0004) error during VM import, ensure you are importing a VM with file extension .ova.

Download VM

VM NameSource URL

The checksums are available at

Student Machine (docker-student.ova)

  • Open VirtualBox, and select File -> Import Appliance from the top menu

Importing student ova

  • Select docker-student.ova file from the workshop-content folder

selecting student ova

  • Check the "Reintialize the MAC address of all network cards" checkbox, and click on Next to import the ova file

student ova settings

  • Now we can see that ova file is importing


  • Use following credentials for student VM login
username: student
password: Docker@321

student vm login

  • Your IP address may differ from what is visible in the screenshot. Please note down this IP address for later use

CTF Machine (docker-ctf.ova)

  • Open VirtualBox, and select File -> Import Appliance from the top menu

Importing ctf ova

  • Select docker-ctf.ova file from the workshop-content folder

selecting ctf ova

  • Check the "Reintialize the MAC address of all network cards" checkbox, and click on Next to import the ova file

ctf ova settings

  • Use following credentials for ctf VM login
username: ctf
password: Dockerctf@321

ctf vm login

  • Your IP address may differ from what is visible in the screenshot. Please note down this IP address for later use

Test Setup

Ensure Networking within VM

Ensure you are able to ping one VM from the other.

VM Networking

Ensure SSH Access from Host

Ensure you are able to SSH into both Student and CTF VM from your host using an SSH client.